Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reflective Cover Page (first draft)

Hi Professor Tinberg:
            Throughout the course I have learned so much and I was able to improve my writing as we went further into the semester. My classmates and I were given six writing assignments to complete; out of the six we are to put four assignments in a portfolio that we believe are our best work. The four literature pieces I chose to put in my portfolio is annotating a scholarly article, profile, analyzing a trend, and “This I Believe” essay. I arranged the articles from the work that I thought I did well to the best. 
            The first paper I thought I did well was annotating a scholarly article; titled “Distracted While Driving.” For this assignment I was to find a scholarly article (written by qualified peers) about a subject that interests me, read about it, and compose an annotation based on the article. The annotation should be at least two paragraphs long, containing both a summary and evaluation of the article. The annotation should also include bibliographic information in the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
I include this piece, “Distracted While Driving” into my portfolio because it describes a major issue in our society and it increases as more people want to be involved with the lasted technology. In the article, Wilson and Stimpson analyzed the trends in distracted driving fatalities and their relation to the use of cell phones and texting. I cannot believe that the number of fatalities from distracted driving increased from 4572 in 2005 to 5870 in 2008. Distracted driving is a public safety hazard.
After writing the second draft, I went back to my writing and replaced the author’s first name from Jim to his last name Stimpson to show respect to the author. I cut out some words in the first paragraph; I cut the phrase “the major issue of accidents which is” from the sentence that begins with “Wilson and Stimpson are strictly suggesting…” I added some quotations like what you mention in the commentary, “Can you be more precise?  The best part about this article is that they give evidence to show how major this issue is” to the second paragraph to be more precise, “In 2008, approximately 1 in 6 fatal vehicle collisions resulted from a driver being distracted while driving” (Wilson). In the second paper, writing a profile, I used the method of adding quotations to be more precise.
The second paper I include in my portfolio is a profile, “New Life, New Challenges.” I was asked to identify a person that was interesting to me and to others. In my profile I must include an interesting story and add a meaningful thesis. The essay should consist of 500-700 words and should also include quotations from the interview I conducted. I added this piece to my portfolio because I was very interested in my uncle’s story and I believe others would too. Ever since I was a little kid I heard about the stories of my uncle running away at a young age, living in Spain with his second family, surviving the war, and moving to the U.S. He tells me all the time that I have to be fortunate for what I have. He was able to raise himself and he found very nice people that helped him along the way.
It was very hard to revise this essay; I felt that every little detail counted to be able to understand my uncle’s story.  My partner Maria stated in the peer review that I should add, “What does he think about all the things he went through and how that’s changed him?” I included in paragraph five, “Today my uncle is married, has two daughters, and a beautiful granddaughter. Many times he brings up the stories of his past challenges. These challenges made him stronger and made him who he is today.” I changed the title from “Unforgettable Challenges” to “New Life, New Challenges” so the readers would get attracted to the profile. In the teacher’s comment you stated “Why the shift to "you": that are still fresh in your mind”; I was not focusing the essay on myself I was using another method to refer to my uncle instead of Rogerio and he. You also stated “However, I'm not sure of the point or "nut graf" here. You mention "unforgettable challenges" in your title, but I'm not sure that is precise enough to capture your reader's interest. It seems to me that war itself might present a clearer and more meaningful thesis here”; the essay was trying to focus on the challenges my uncle went through life not just going to war.The methods of writing I used in the first and second papers are different from the method I used in the third paper.
In the third paper of my portfolio I included an essay on analyzing a trend titled “Increase in Obesity among American Children;” The assignment required that I construct a three- to-five page paper analyzing a significant trend that suggests a change in a community’s behavior for good or bad. The trend had to occur in recent years between five to ten years ago. This assignment made me realize how the children of America are becoming obese. In my analysis I included some causes that resulted in the increase in obesity among children, the risks involved, and what can be done to solve the issue. My partner Maria concluded that “This topic is something that is indeed increasing and it is a problem in our society and something should be done to stop it” and she commented that, “One thing I think the writer should add is current events.”  In paragraph three, I included that a third grader was taken from his parents and was put into a foster home because he was obese and his mother did not help him lose the pounds. I added this event to show that it is a serious matter and a child that was not at fault was taken from his parents. I also added that McDonald’s restaurants in San Francisco are banning free toys that come with the happy meals; the parents have to pay extra if they want a toy for their child. In the fourth paper I also included events that happened to support my argument.
            The last paper is on “This I Believe”; this essay is my favorite piece I dedicated it to “The Power of Family.” For this assignment I was asked to compose an essay on a core belief. The essay has to tell a story that considers the moments when my belief was formed or tested. The essay must be brief, roughly 350 to 500 words. I included this piece into my portfolio because I strongly believe this was my best essay; I was able to state my belief and show how much my family means to me. Family has always been important to me and when my grandfather died the belief was tested and we came closer together. I did not make many changes. In the teacher commentary you state, “I like what I see here. As you say, you are quite clear in announcing your belief. The challenge, as I see it, is determining whether your stories conform to the needs of the assignment: to show how the belief was formed or tested” when I went back to my story I added my information on how my grandfather’s death tested my belief. I included in paragraph two that, “We lost someone that always brought his family first and would do anything to get the family together.” This essay made me confident and it allowed me to express the writer in me.
Coming to an end to the semester; this course has helped me believe in myself, in my point of view. As a writer I constructed literature pieces that are very important to me. I am more confident when I am writing; I know that I have to write to a specific audience, write clearly and give facts to support my belief.  In my writing I want my readers to understand what the point of the essay is and my argument. The peer reviews and the teacher commentaries guided me to improve my writing. In “This I Believe” essay I was able to express “The Power of Family” concluding that “No matter if we are millions of miles away, we are still a family. Friends can come and go but family is forever. I believe in the power of family; I believe that family is power.” This course allowed me to become a better writer.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Increase in Obesity among American Children (Second Draft of trend analyze)

Increase in Obesity among American Children
One major trend among children in the United States today is obesity. The trend has considerably grown in recent years and will keep on growing if we do not aware people of the serious medical risks involved. According to the article “Obesity: A Weighty Issue for Children,” “The number of overweight and obese children in the U.S. has more than doubled in the last two decades” (Schmidt). Obesity is not just a few extra pounds, but on average the ten percent of extra weight on a person depending on their height and body type. The condition of obesity most commonly begins in childhood between the ages of five and six. According to an article written by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of ten and thirteen has an 80% chance of becoming an obese adult.” We need to teach children to avoid the extra sweets to have a healthy lifestyle.
            Obesity is a condition we can avoid if we all make an attempt to eat healthy and exercise. A person gets to an obese stage if he/she eats more calories than the body burns. Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The ranges of both overweight and obesity are calculated using your height and weight by BMI (Body Mass Index). If a person’s BMI calculates between 25.5 and 29 a person is considered overweight and if a person’s BMI is 30 or greater that person is considered to be obese. A healthy weight should be a BMI of 18.5–24.9.
            Many factors are considered to be causes of obesity among children. The causes are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral, and cultural factors. According to the American Academy, “If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the children will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, the children have an 80 percent chance of being obese.” Parents have the greatest influence on their children; children eat whatever their parents give to them. Many children have poor eating habits and they over eat the types of food that are not good for them. Some children are considered couch potatoes because they lack physical activity. These children tend to be attracted to watching their favorite shows on T.V. and play video games all day long. Statistics show that the number of children who attend daily physical education classes have decreased from 18.3% in 1995 to 12% in 2001. Medical illnesses and medications could also be causable factors.
Some children are attracted to eating and over eating food to pleasure themselves to deal with stressful life events or changes; parents being separated, divorced, moving to a new home, deaths, or abuse. As children get older, some develop a low self-esteem.  Other children are obese because of their family history. A third grader was taken away from his parents because he was obese; he weighed over 200 pounds. The child had suffered from a weight-related health issue of losing weight, but his mother didn’t help her child lose the pounds. The Department of Children and Family Services asked court for custody and brought the child to a foster home. These children are not aware of the serious issues; they need to be taught that over eating is not good.
During the years 2007-2008 an estimated 16.9 percent of children from ages 2-19 years old are obese in the United States. According to one study “Half of the U.S. children/adolescents overall will become overweight around the year 2070” (Beydoun). This is a serious matter. Obese children like to eat or drink things that are high in calories, salt, sugars, and fat; consuming the wrong portion size. All children like to eat food that is advertised especially ones that come with toys. Many tend to persuade their parents to buy them McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, or cereal to get the toys that come inside. A recent article was published by The New York Times stating that San Francisco’s McDonald's restaurants were going to ban the free toys that come with the happy meals. Even though McDonald's is trying to make the meals healthy, they still do not meet specific nutritional standards. The New York Times mentions “The toys are the only reason kids want Happy Meals and the only reason parents buy them” (Storm).  Many times a child that is obese eats too much fast food. An average happy meal including a hamburger, french fries, and a chocolate shack is 700 calories. Another issue is children drink too much sugar soft drinks. More than half of U.S. middle/ high school’s vending machines and school canteens offer sugar drinks that are unhealthy. Once obese children consume these things they do not make an attempt to pursue in any physical activities. Everyone should have at least sixty minutes of aerobic physical activity each day.
The condition of obesity has many risks and complications. Children are not aware of what could happen to them if they over eat and do not exercise. They feel that food makes them happy and they will eat until they are over filled. Children that are obese have a high risk of having high blood pressure and cholesterol that could end up turning into cardiovascular disease. Consuming a lot of sugar products could have a risk of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and be diagnosed with type II diabetes. Being obese could enable a person to have breathing problems, having a high chance of being diagnosed with asthma and sleep apnea. The extra weight added to one’s body may create joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort. Social and psychological problems could also be a risk which may make an obese child be discriminated by others and have poor self esteem that could continue in the future. In some cases some children have tragically died from being obese. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “Unhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack of exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year.” This issue can be solved to better the children of tomorrow.
            Obesity affects so many children in this country; with help and guidance they can make themselves healthy. Children that are obese can start with a weight-management program to lose the extra weight. They can change their eating habits by eating slow and develop a routine. Parents can have plan meals and make better food selections for their kids. These meals should have a reasonable portion and consume fewer calories. Having a lot of energy, children should have an increased amount of physical activity to be in shape and be sociable. Parents should know what their child is eating at school. Children should be at the dining room table to eat as a family instead of watching T.V. Parents can try to avoid constantly buying fast food as a reward and buy it once in a great while. The obese child should also attend a support group to give confidence in him/herself. Children are the future of tomorrow let them know the risks and get them involved in physical activities to avoid obesity.
Works Cited:
·         Schmidt, Charles W. "OBESITY: A Weighty Issue For Children." Environmental Health Perspectives 111.13 (2003): A700. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 9 Dec. 2011.
·         Storm, Stephanie. “Toys Stay in San Francisco Happy Meals, for a Charge.” New York Times on the Web 30 Nov. 2011. 9 Dec. 2011 <  happy-meals.html?_r=2&ref=mcdonaldscorporation>
·          “Obesity In Children And Teens.” 2010. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 3 Dec. 2011 <>

·         Beyboun, May. Caballero, Benjamin. Kumanyika, Shiriki. Liang, Lan. Wang, Youfa. “Will All Americans Become Overweight or Obese? Estimating the Progression and Cost of the US Obesity Epidemic.” Research Journal Obesity. (2008). 3 Dec. 2011


·         “Overweight and Obesity.” CDC. 2011. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 3 Dec. 2011 <>

Post Write:
-          I feel like I strongly made my point. I stated that in recent years there has been an increase in obesity among American children. This trend has doubled in two decades. I added that a third grader was taken from his parents because of his obesity and the McDonald's restaurants in San Francisco are banning the free toys that come with the happy meal.
-          I don’t know if I should be more precise with the anecdotes I included.
-          1) Did the anecdotes help with understanding the trend?
2) Does this analysis let my readers be aware of the issue, the increase of obesity among American children?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Increase in Obesity among Children among American Children (Analyzing a Trend)

Increase in Obesity among American Children
            One major trend among children in the United States today is obesity. The trend has considerably grown in recent years and will keep on growing if we do not aware people of the serious medical risks involved. Obesity is not just a few extra pounds, but on average the ten percent of extra weight on a person depending on their height and body type. The condition of obesity most commonly begins in childhood between the ages of five and six. According to an article written by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of ten and thirteen has an eighty percent chance of becoming an obese adult.” We need to teach children to avoid the extra sweets to have a healthy lifestyle.
            Obesity is a condition we can avoid if we all make an attempt to eat healthy and exercise. A person gets to an obese stage if he/she eats more calories than the body burns. Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The ranges of both overweight and obesity are calculated using your height and weight by BMI (Body Mass Index). If a person’s BMI calculates between 25.5 and 29 a person is considered overweight and if a person’s BMI is 30 or greater that person is considered to be obese. A healthy weight should be a BMI of 18.5–24.9.
            Many factors are considered to be causes of obesity among children. The causes are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral, and cultural factors. According to the American Academy, “If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the children will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, the children have an 80 percent chance of being obese.” Parents have the greatest influence on their children; children eat whatever their parents give to them. Many children have poor eating habits and they over eat the types of food that are not good for them. Some children are considered couch potatoes because they lack physical activity. These children tend to be attracted to watching their favorite shows on T.V. and play video games all day. Medical illnesses and medications could also be causable factors.
Some children are attracted to eating and over eating food to pleasure themselves to deal with stressful life events or changes; parents being separated, divorced, moving to a new home, deaths, or abuse. As children get older, some develop a low self-esteem.  Other children are obese because of their family history. These children are not aware of the serious issues; they need to be taught that over eating is not good.
During the years 2007-2008 an estimated 16.9 percent of children from ages 2-19 years old are obese in the United States. According to one study “Half of the U.S. children/adolescents overall will become overweight around the year 2070” (Beydoun). This is a serious matter. Obese children like to eat or drink things that are high in calories, salt, sugars, and fat; consuming the wrong portion size. All children like to eat food that is advertised especially food ones that come with toys. Many tend to persuade their parents to buy them McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, or cereal to get the toys that come inside. Many times a child that is obese eats too much fast food. An average happy meal including a hamburger, french fries, and a chocolate shack is 700 calories. Another issue is children drink too much sugar soft drinks. More than half of U.S. middle/ high schools vending machines and school canteens offer sugar drinks that are unhealthy. Once obese children consume these things they do not make an attempt to pursue any physical activities. Everyone should have at least sixty minutes of aerobic physical activity each day.
The condition of obesity has many risks and complications. Children are not aware of what could happen to them if they over eat and do not exercise. They feel that food makes them happy and they will eat until they are over filled. Children that are obese have a high risk of having high blood pressure and cholesterol that could end up turning into cardiovascular disease. Consuming a lot of sugar products could have a risk of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and be diagnosed with type II diabetes. Being obese could enable a person to have breathing problems having a high chance of being diagnosed with asthma and sleep apnea. The extra weight added to one’s body may create joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort. Social and psychological problems could also be a risk which may make an obese child be discriminated by others and have poor self esteem that could continue in the future. In some cases some children have tragically died from being obese. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “Unhealthy weight gain due to poor diet and lack of exercise is responsible for over 300,000 deaths each year.” This issue can be solved to better the children of tomorrow.
            Obesity affects so many children in this country; with help and guidance they can make themselves healthy. Children that are obese can start with a weight-management program to lose the extra weight. They can change their eating habits by eating slow and develop a routine. Parents can have plan meals and make better food selections for their kids. These meals should have a reasonable portion and consume fewer calories. Having a lot of energy, children should have an increased amount of physical activity to be in shape and be sociable. Parents should know what their child is eating at school. Children should be at the dining room table to eat as a family instead of watching T.V. Parents can try to avoid constintly buying fast food as a reward and buy it once in a great while. The obese child should also attend a support group to give confidence in him/herself. Children are the future of tomorrow let them know the risks and get them involved in physical activities to avoid obesity.
Works Cited:
·         Obesity In Children And Teens.” 2010. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 3 Dec. 2011 <>

·         Beyboun, May. Caballero, Benjamin. Kumanyika, Shiriki. Liang, Lan. Wang, Youfa. “Will All Americans Become Overweight or Obese? Estimating the Progression and Cost of the US Obesity Epidemic.” Research Journal Obesity. (2008). 3 Dec. 2011 <>

·         “Overweight and Obesity.” CDC. 2011. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 3 Dec. 2011  <>

Post Write:

-          I analyzed a trend that exists in our country today, obesity. I added some quotations from the articles I found. I added the causes of obesity and what are the risks. I added that 300,000 children have died from obesity. I also added what can be done to avoid the children of the future.
-          Don’t know what else I can add.
-          1) Do you agree that this is a major trend in the U.S.?
2) Does my writing flow smoothly from paragraph to paragraph?